Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Reading Thought of the Day: Motivation

I am hopelessly addicted to books. 

It seems that with blogs and YouTube, a lot of people are saying that, but I can only pull from my own experience as a bibliophile. 

I love books. Not just to read, but to own, read about, and simply look at and touch. It almost doesn't matter what kind of books I'm around - as long as I'm around books. Book stores and libraries feel like home and they seem to have an instant remedy for whatever is bothering me.

I am hopelessly addicted to books.

So - if I'm hopelessly addicted like I say I am, why is it so difficult to have motivation to actually crack one open to read?

Reading book after book like a runner runs a marathon used to be so much easier when I was younger. My favorite days were cloudy ones in which I would grab a stack of "scary" books, sit by the window and just read. I miss those days. 

Now, however, I am an adult (whatever that means) and I have things to do. I go to work; I cook; I go out on dates with my husband; I run errands. As much as these are fun (well, some of them), they are also tiresome. I am getting older and my bedtime is starting to resemble what it was when I was a child...

Anyway - I try to read whenever I have the chance to: during lunchtime while I'm eating, late night when I have nothing to get up early for the next day, and the odd lazy Sunday. Perhaps my lack of motivation is coming from the fact that I simply cannot just SIT AND READ. 

But SIT AND READ I must - for it is my therapy. 

When you enjoy someone or something, you will try and try to have it in your life - and such is my love of reading. It is the constant struggle to read and live in new worlds at the turn of a page because I can't be the person who lets that type of experience go.

And so - I am hopelessly addicted to books. Now and always. 

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